www.mural.ch: akteure

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name: Gude

vorname: Olivia

wikidata-repräsentation: Q22004683

gnd-repräsentation: 131382500

biografische angaben: Born 1950. American painter. Gude received her art training at Webster College in Saint Louis, where she was born, and she began her career in 1973 as an art instructor at a Saint Louis high school. Moving to Chicago, she taught at Bloom Trail High School in Steger. There she met fellow artist Jon Pounds, whom she later married. She earned a master's degree at the University of Chicago in 1982 and became "mesmerized" by the outdoor murals of the Hyde Park neighborhood. She and her husband did their first public mural together in Pullman in 1981, and a few years later Gude entered the Chicago mural movement, hoping to energize "public space for the common man and woman and the common gook." As a member of the Chicago Public Art Group, she has collaborated with volunteers and students in many Chicago neighborhoods and also in Los Angeles, Madison, Wisconsin, and downstate Valmeyer, Illinois. In recent years she has worked with students on mural and mosaic projects at Phillips, Lowell, and Nobel Schools. She has taught at the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Columbia College and is currently [2001] coordinator of the art education program and assistant professor in the School of Art and Design at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is coauthor with Jeff Huebner of Urban Art Chicago, published in 2000.