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dieser beitrag wurde verfasst in: englisch (eng/en)

verfasserin/verfasser: Sandra Pinto (Hg.)

titel: A History of Italian Art in the 20th Century

isbn: 88-8491-259-8

+: Milano, 2002


  • Sandra Pinto, A History of Italian Art in the 20th Century

  1. Mariastella Margozzi, Modernity in the New Century
  2. Mariastella Margozzi, The Avant-garde and the War
  3. Mariastella Margozzi, The Post-war Period and the 1920s. Escaping from Reality
  4. Mariastella Margozzi, The Second Post-war Period. Italy Re-opens its Frontiers
  5. Rita Camerlingo, The 1950s: Finding One's Bearings between Paris and New York. The 1960s: Developments of and beyond Informal Art
  6. Rita Camerlingo, Anna Mattirolo,

    1. From 1959 to 1968: Assimilation and Transformation of New and Different Avant-garde Languages
    2. From 1967 to 1971: Arte Povera, the Original Declination of Italian Proto-Conceptualism

  7. Anna Mattirolo, The 1980s and the Crisis of the Concept of Modernity
  8. Anna Mattirolo, From 1989 to the Present Day. A Historical Turning Point: the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the End to the Power Blockade. Virtual Universe and Global Communication. The Artist's Answer: Individualism, Nomadism, Neo-Romanticism

  • Indexes