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künstler: Marcello Piacentini

titel: Esposizione Universale di Roma EUR

jahr: 1938–42, 1951–

adresse: EUR, Roma, Italia

+: «Although E42 never materialized, it nevertheless left a permanent legacy in the exposition district known as EUR – Mussolini's Fascist City of the Future. Today a livery Roman suburb, EUR provides an overarching context for parsing the exposition's complex ideologies. First and foremost, it was a monument to totalitarian planning: Mussolini saw the fairgrounds as the model for the revovation of historic Rome in his image. After considering various sites within the precincts of the capital, he eventually decided to build E42 from scratch on an undeveloped 420-acre parcel aboiut five miles south ot the city center. Under the general direction of Marcello Piacentini, Italy's preeminent architect and a Mussolini favorite, EUR's planners imagined their Fascist utopia, its gleaming white buildings set temple-like in a verdant realm of gardens, parks, and lakes. The new suburb represented a step toward Mussolini's long-cherished dream of extendeing Rome to the sea, even reestablishing the Mediterranean as the revived empire's mare nostrum.» (Kargon et al. 2015, p. 115)

«Mixing modern geometric forms with such classical motifs as colonnaded arches, Mussolini's updated utopia represented a futuristic, scientized version of classical Rome. While a portion of EUR was built in the period 1937–1943, the bulk of it did not see completion until the postwar era. But even these later-built structures still used the inital Fascist template.» (Kargon et al. 2015, p. 117)