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name: Simon

vorname: Henry

wikidata-repräsentation: Q773411

gnd-repräsentation: 174272898

biografische angaben: Born 1901 in Poland, died 1995. American painter, lithographer, photographer, and poet. He came to Chicago at age five. He dropped out of high school to go to work as an apprentice in a sign shop where he was fortunate to meet an artist who encouraged him to study art. After attending the Chicago Academy of Art and the School of the Art Institute, he worked for eight years with Chicago painter A. Raymond Katz, creating movie posters for the Balaban and Katz movie theater chain. In 1933 he produced dioramas for Chicago's Century of Progress Exposition. In what he called his most prolific period, from 1936 to 1942, his artwork for the WPA's Illinois Project appeared in magazines and galleries, and his mural commissions included Cook County Hospital, the Osbourne, Ohio, Post Office for the Treasury Sectino, and McKendree College in Lebanon, Illinois, now hanging at Wells igh School in Chicago. He was art director at Hull House from 1944 to 1945. Simon turned to photography in the 1970s, concentrating on people and street scenes, and his work was given a one-man exhibition at the Art Insstitute in 1973. In his last years, after using surreal imagery, he began to work in an abstract style. In 1997 the work of this long-lived artist was shown in a retrospective exhibition at the Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, Northwestern University.