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name: Mahony Griffin

vorname: Marion Lucy

wikidata-repräsentation: Q542546

gnd-repräsentation: 1024222136

biografische angaben: February 14, 1871 – August 10, 1961. American architect and artist

Born in Chicago, Marion Mahony Griffin was only the second woman to receive the bachelor of science degree in architecture from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the first woman architect to be licensed in Illinois. She worked in Dwight Perkins's office before joining Frank Lloyd Wright, working as his assistant from 1895 to 1909. She is credited with the secondary decorative designs for Wright's initial plans and exquisite architectural renderings including his "japanese" presentation drawings. Although she is best known for her superb graphic work, she was also an accomplished architect. With her skill as a draftsman she was able to help her husband, Walter Burley Griffin, whom she married in 1911, win the competition for designing the new capital city of Canberra, Australia. They spent twenty years in Australia supervising the construction of the new government buildings and developing other projects. In 1935, with plans for a university library, they moved to Lucknow, India. Her husband died suddenly within the year, however, and she returned to the United States, where she wrote her memoir The Magic of America and continued to design.