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name: Jones

vorname: Fred

wikidata-repräsentation: Q2225316

gnd-repräsentation: 1118766326

biografische angaben: 1915–96. American painter. While Fred Jones was attending Clark College in Atlanta in the 1930s and working part time for the Coca-Cola Company, through a fortunage accident his sketchbook was seen by the chairman of the company, who was impressed with his talent. He had Jones transferred to the Chicago plant on the South Side and arranged for him to attend the School of the Art Institute on a scholarship. Jones said he "hung around with a little beehive of artists" at the South Side Art Center at Thirty-ninth and Michigan, which flourished during the New Dear era, and there he met the Reverend Clarence H. Cobbs, who had an interest in art. When Cobb's Church of the Deliverance moved to its new quarters, he chose Jones to paint its murals.