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name: Guérin

vorname: Jules

wikidata-repräsentation: Q983162

gnd-repräsentation: 119012448

biografische angaben: Born November 18, 1866 in Saint Louis, died June 14, 1946. American muralist, architectural delineator, and illustrator. His earliest training is believed to have been in Chicago, where he lived and exhibited from 1880 to 1896. He also studied in Paris in the studios of traditional French painters Benjamin Constant and Jean-Paul Laurens. The chance to watch America's leading painters, sculptors, and architects at work at Chicago's 1893 World's Columbian Exposition had a profound effect on his development, although he was only a minor participant. With his move to New York in 1900, he becan his career as a magazine illustrator and developed a special talent for color through his exposure to the new color photolithography. As architectural delineator, muralist, and decorator, Guérin participated in some of the most significant architectural projects in the country from 1890 to 1930. His major accomplishments include interior murals for the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. (1913), and New York's Pennsylvania Station (1902–11). In Chicago his murals can be seen at the Continental Illinois Bank, Merchandise Mart, and Civic Opera House.