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name: Yasko

vorname: Caryl A.

biografische angaben: Born 1941 in Racine, Wisconsin. She earned her B.A. at Dominican College and today lives in Whitewater, Wisconsin. She has played an important role in the American mural movement, as an original member of the Chicago Mural Group and a prizewinning muralist in Chicago in the 1970s. Both muralist and scuptor, Yasko has been active in Wisconsin schools in a program called Wisconsin Artists and as an innovator in contemporary public sculpture. She has taught public art techniques at the School of the Art Institute and at other schools, lectured, participated in symposiums, led workshops, and worked with children on many mural and sculpture commissions. Because she believes that "the real significance of pblic art is the public's contribution to the idea of the piece," she solicits the participation of the community in the creation of these works of art.