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name: Michilini

vorname: Sergio

biografische angaben: Born in Italy, 1948. Trained at Academy of Fine Arts, Florence. Various murals and public sculptures in Varese province, Italy (1971–88); Livorno, Italy (1983); Coyoacán (1984) and Mérida, Mexico (1993). Arrived in Nicaragua, 1982; has worked there since 1984. Founded ENAPUM-DAS. Coordinator of ACRA (Italian Third World rural development organization).

«The sense that Nicaragua was the place where a socially conscious mural movement had real meaning touched an Italian artist, Sergio Michilini, who founded the Mural School. Michilini, of Busto Arsizio, Varese, a product of the sixties ideological youth revolution, conceived and brought to Managua in 1982–85 a complete mural school: a vision, a program, instructors (fellow Italians), financing from powerful Italian solidarity organizations, paints, scaffolding, and other necessary materials. In Nicaragua he found a fertile ground of cooperation in the Ministry of Culture, among progressive priests, and among certain Nicaraguan artists. He has now [1995] settled in the country with is Nicaraguan compañera, an architect, and their daughter.» (Kunzle, pp. 44–45)