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name: Child

vorname: Charles

wikidata-repräsentation: Q25099144

gnd-repräsentation: 1028511698

biografische angaben: * January 15, 1902, Montclair, NJ; † February 8, 1983, Pennswood Village, Newtown, PA. American painter, muralist and writer

After a brief career at Harvard University, where he was art editor of The Lampoon, Charles Child spent five years travelling and studying in Europe and Asia, which contributed to his great versatility as an artist. He made portraits, murals, and landscapes, illustrated children's books and poems, and designed fabric. He painted the stage curtain for the Bucks County Playhouse and a mural for the Doylestown Post Office. In 1942, he directed the art and music section of the Cultural Board of the State Department and later as an advisor on the arts and humanities, helped develop the cultural exchange program. He illustrated and wrote a book in 1965, Roots in the Rock, which was a non-fiction account of the building of his summer home in Maine. For many years Child wrote a weekly column for the New Hope Gazette called The Inner Eye, often focusing on his travels and his observations of contemporary life.