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name: Stea

vorname: Cesare

wikidata-repräsentation: Q5065510

biografische angaben: August 17, 1893 — 1960. American sculptor

Stea was born in Bari, Italy. He studied at the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, and the Académie de la Grande Chaumière, where he studied with Antoine Bourdelle. He also studied with Hermon McNeil, Sterling Calder and Solon Borglum.

He was a member of the Federal Art Project. He created relief sculptures, "Men and Machines" (1939) in Newcomerstown, Ohio, "Industry" (1941) in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, and "Sculptural Relief" (1936) at Bowery Bay Sewage Disposal Plant.

His papers are held at the Archives of American Art.

  • stea_portraitkl.jpg