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name: Dean

vorname: (Harold) Mallette

wikidata-repräsentation: Q54944416

biografische angaben: Mallette Dean is primarily known as Harold Mallette Dean. Born in 1907 in Spokane, Washington. He lived there, working as a banker, until 1927 when he moved to San Francisco and enrolled for four years in the California School of Fine Art. He received the Anne Bremer Scholarship and was much influenced by teacher Ray Boynton.During the Depression, he was active in the Federal Public Art Project and was one of the 26 artists commissioned to paint murals at Coit Tower. From 1935, he was a book illustrator, working in wood and linoleum engravings, for Grabhorn Press for 15 years. Then he taught printmaking at the California School of Fine Arts and later at Marin Junior College, north of San Francisco, where he had a home in San Rafael. He died in San Rafael, California on January 6, 1975.