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LOS MURALES DE DIEGO RIVERA EN LA SECRETARÍA DE EDUCACIÓN PÚBLICA http://www.sep.gob.mx/es/sep1/sep1_Murales_de_la_SEP
LOS MURALES DE DIEGO RIVERA EN LA SECRETARÍA DE EDUCACIÓN PÚBLICA http://www.sep.gob.mx/es/sep1/sep1_Murales_de_la_SEP
Baukunst NRW: Haus Seewald Köln-Rodenkirchen https://www.baukunst-nrw.de/objekte/Haus-Seew[…]
Columbia University, Institute for Research in African-American Studies: Vertis Hayes http://www.columbia.edu/cu/iraas/wpa/artists/vhayes.html
El Lissitzky’s Soviet pavilion at the Pressa exhibition in Cologne, 1928. The revolution on display http://thecharnelhouse.org/2014/03/01/el-liss[…]
Joanne Latimer, A project to replace infamous Belfast murals comes under fire Something a can […] https://www.google.ch/amp/www.macleans.ca/new[…]
Julie Aguirre: Nicaraguan Primitivist Painter https://web.stanford.edu/group/arts/nicaragua[…]
Kenneth Baker, Kadish's 'Dissertation on Alchemy' mural to be saved, on: SF Gate, San Francisc[…] http://m.sfgate.com/art/article/Kadish-s-Diss[…]
Lucienne Bloch and Stephen Dimitroff RARE Interview on Youtube https://youtu.be/AI3Qz1PkpYA?si=h8iYZdXADYej9gsl
Sprayer Harald Naegeli hat wieder Ärger mit der Justiz, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, 1.2.2018 https://www.ksta.de/kultur/sprayer-harald-nae[…]
Sullivan Goss, an american gallery: Ethel Magafan http://www.sullivangoss.com/ethel_Magafan/
The Arnold Belkin mural in Hell's Kitchen, on: Art Care, 7/9/2017 http://www.artcareconservation.com/blog/the-a[…]
The Perehudoff Mural Controversy http://wanderingcarol.com/the-mural-controver[…]
Victor García Esquivel, Esperan recursos para restaurar murales de Federico Cantú en San Mi[…] http://www.cronica.com.mx/notas/2015/886312.html
... in die Jahre gekommen: Stadtbibliothek Trier, in: Deutsche Bauzeitung, 2.3.2008 https://www.db-bauzeitung.de/db-themen/schwer[…]
'América Tropical': The Making, Unmaking, and Remaking of a National Treasure, by Ed Fuentes, […] https://www.kcet.org/history-society/america-[…]
"A Memorial to My Family": The Story of the John Work Garrett Library at Evergreen http://culturefly.org/calendar/event/14824/me[…]
"Something of his own soil": Jewish history, mural painting, and Bernard Zakheim in San Francisco http://www.thefreelibrary.com/%22Something+of[…]
"War Through Misunderstanding": The Jordan Pavilion Controversy, by Sharyn Elise Jackson http://www.nywf64.com/jordan07.shtml
“Muerte al Invasor” y “De México a Chile” David Alfaro Siqueiros y Xavier Guerrero https://lacathrine.wordpress.com/2010/04/16/%[…]
«Das Schicksal sieht uns an», Der Spiegel 42 (1995), S. 240–242 http://magazin.spiegel.de/EpubDelivery/spiegel/pdf/9223132
«Eine dem weiblichen Geschlechte eigene individuelle Erziehung», Die Geschichte der Gossauer […] http://www.maitlisek.ch/fileadmin/Dateiliste/[…]
«Ich hoffe, dass von der Offenheit etwas auf die Sporttreibenden überspringt.», Interview vo[…] http://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/content/hbd/de/in[…]
»Institutionen arbetar« – en professors grupporträtt av sig själv och sin stab. LÄKARTID[…] http://www.lakartidningen.se/07engine.php?articleId=2355
10 Monumental Murals of Los Angeles, by Ed Fuentes, KCET Oct 10, 2013 http://www.kcet.org/socal/departures/columns/[…]
14K Magazine: Schweizer Graffiti Magazin http://www.14k.ch/
150 Jahre Kulm Hotel (Auszug) https://www.kulm.com/fileadmin/user_upload/ku[…]
35° Rassegna d’arte “Penasca di San Fermo: un borgo da riscoprire” http://www.varesenews.it/evento/35-rassegna-d[…]
400 years of struggle by laborarts.org http://www.laborarts.org/collections/item.cfm?itemid=163
48 States Competition, on wpamural.com http://www.wpamurals.com/48states.htm