www.mural.ch: akteure

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name: Gutiérrez

vorname: José L.

wikidata-repräsentation: Q38591206

gnd-repräsentation: 134888588

biografische angaben: Mexican painter. Inventor of synthetic paint POLITEC. Director of the Research Studio in Painting Materials and Experimental Techniques at the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City.

«Gutiérrez worked at a synthetic painting manufacturer laboratory in New Jersey during the 1930s. He was part of the Siqueiros New York Experimental Workshop. Back in Mexico, Gutiérrez opened a workshop and laboratory at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) in 1945, which was dedicated exclusively to expanding the uses of industrial materials applied to art. Here he started to develop specific formulas for Mexican painters, such as Gerzso. In Painting with Acrylics (1965), he explained new ways to obtain different surface qualities with the recently designed acrylic medium, used in solution or as emulsion, and mixed with all kinds of materials.» (Zetina et al., 2020)