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name: Craola (Simkins)

vorname: (Greg)

gnd-repräsentation: 142893331

biografische angaben: Born February 28, 1975. Graffiti artist based in Torrance, California. Active since 1993

His artistic ambitions bloomed as early as age three with drawings inspired by cartoons and books. Some of these works, such as The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster, and Watership Down by Richard Adams, still find reference in his art. He grew up with a variety of animals, including a number of rabbits, which often appear in his paintings to this day.

Simkins earned his B.A. in Studio Art from California State University, Long Beach in 1999. After graduating, Simkins went to work as an illustrator for several clothing firms before moving on to the video game industry. With blessings from his former bosses at Activision, he made the leap to full-time artist in 2005. Since then his studio work has met with resounding acclaim and allowed him to branch out with his successful 2013 Kickstarter project, "'I'm Scared' A Stop-Motion Film from Greg 'Craola' Simkins", which is still in development.

At the age of 18, Simkins began doing graffiti under the name “CRAOLA”. Graffiti drove his inspiration to create and gave him the confidence and experience to paint large scale works. It also taught him color theory and perspective while further developing his artistic skills, as later demonstrated in his masterful work with acrylics.

(source: Wikipedia)